Hello, my name is Annika Dincher. I am very happy to be a part of the AMA Group of UNOH. I appreciate that I am allowed to be in charge of the Instagram and Facebook page of the coworking center. I hope that I can take a lot from it to learn about leading a business and about social media marketing. I was born and raised in Saarbruecken, Germany. It is located in the southwest, near France in Germany. In my childhood, I spend most of the time playing soccer and doing sports. After I graduated high school, I decided to leave Germany and make my next career step in the US. It was a really big step for me to leave my family, friends, and home left. However, I am very happy and grateful to have the opportunity to study in the US and play soccer for the university.

 I chose Lima, Ohio because of the good soccer program that the school is offering. Right now, I am in my second year of school and majoring in business administration and management. I choose this major because I am not sure what the future has in store for me and what I actually want to do. This major covers a broad field of opportunities and I still can specify my major if I want to. This volunteer work allows me to learn more about the Marketing Sector. It is very interesting to find out how to reach a special target group and find out which content they need. It changes my mind to see things from different positions.

 Already for my start at the university, I found interest in the social media business. I started to build my own Instagram business. However, I realized very quickly that this "job" is very time-consuming and you have to be very active on the platform to reach a lot of people. In addition, I had to create content every day which was at one point just too much, but I never lost my interest in running an Instagram account. This opportunity to lead the page of an official business gives me the possibility to learn more about Facebook and Instagram. I started to look from a completely different view at the social media platform, it is not a platform to enjoy I look at it as a platform to work on.https://www.instagram.com/an_ni.01/
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